Friday, February 09, 2007

Oh, I forgot the kind of cool news about the new house. We use oil for heat, so we are able to heat this house with biofuel! Yay biofuel! It is only about 15 cents more than regular oil, so we filled 'er up this morning. Hopefully it will last until Spring, but we don't really know since it is our first go 'round.

I had to deal with the most uncomfortale situation ever at work today. I had to take a group of 3rd grade girls to the bathroom, where they promptly informed me that a boy in their class had been spreading rumors about all of the girls to all the boys in the 3rd grade. They were too embarassed to tell their teacher, a man. I wanted to make sure they knew I took them seriously since they were obviously uncomfortable with what this boy was saying. So I had the pleasure of taking the teacher-an older, very religioius man out into the hallway and telling him that one of his students was telling all of the 3rd grade boys that one of his female classmates had a butt piercing. And that he said he had kissed the butt of another female classmate the day before. I love my job.

Speaking of butts, Henry slept like ass last night. I would hear him cry and talk and then I'd go into his room and he'd be sound asleep. It happened about 3 times in an hour, so finally I just climbed in and went to sleep with him in his bed. He stopped having bad dreams, but I didn't sleep very well. I had also taken a Tylenol PM because I have a sore throat and didn't want it to keep me up all night, so I have been sluggish all day. I am so glad it's Friday.

Tomorrow we have a big playdate with Garrett and his folks and Sunday we are planning on our big IKEA trip.

Okay. Off to get a big cup of coffee, get some knitting done and watch The OC.


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