Is it bad that all I have to talk about it tv? It is May sweeps and the overindulging in season finales is in full effect. A brief run down:
Survivor. I am so glad Aras won. I was rooting for Terry for a while, but as soon as Aras became the underdog it was all about him. I hated Danielle, pth. It would have been cooler is Cirie won, but she wasn't in the top 2. At least she got a car. Shane makes me giggle, but if I had to spend more than 5 minutes with him we'd have a problem.
Grey's Anatomy. WTF? Derek and Meredith need to just get married (oh wait, he's already married) and run away to some remote island where I never have to see either one of them again. Seriously, are there more useless people anywhere on Earth? Love Christina and Burke. Love Izzy. Poor, dead, Denny. I saw it coming but it still sucked. I am glad they have a woman on the show that a stiff breeze couldn't break in half, but when Callie was walking down in her prom dress I got
Priscilla Queen of the Desert flashbacks. Love George, as always. Finn. Why the hell would you invest in scary and damaged girl? HATE Meredith.
The Office. This is the most perfect show ever invented. Jim is the most perfect boy ever invented. *sigh*
Veronica Mars. Veronica + Logan = True Love 4Evah!
The Unit. I never watched
Felicity, but if you told me that Scott Foley was so amazing looking under all of that floppy '90's hair, I just might have. This is one of our favorite new shows. Which means it should be cancelled shortly.
Lost and Alias (SARK is back!!!) and The Amazing Race end tonight, so you can look forward to more tv talk tomorrow. Oh, and then the much anticipated end to the season on The OC on Thursday. My life is bursting with fullness.
We finally started planting the garden last night. We ahve 2 kinds of pumpkin, zucchini, crook necked squash, radishes, 2 kinds of tomato, yellow pepper, kale and greens, and some other things I can't remember. There is a lot more to go in, too. Which is good because we got our first CSA box Monday night. It was the first box, which is always small they say, but it was still kind of funny. We got: a bunch of radishes, 2 bunches of spring onions, a bok choy, a head of lettuce and a 1/2 lb of spinach. It was kind of funny after splitting it bringing 4 radishes and 1/2 a bok choy to Liz.
We are going to see
Curious George (again) today at the $2 theater. Henry has been listening to the soundtrack non stop, so I expect a lot of loud singing. I hope that doesn't detract from the plotline for the other kids. His favorite is a song about reducing, reusing and recycling. He runs around the house yelling "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". It's not cute at all. Gotta love Jack Johnson.
My fundraiser keeps on a growin'. Everyone look at my Hyena Cart on Friday and bid on something. The lottery function turned out to do something different than I thought, so it will be mostly auction. There is soap and jewelry and yarn. Lots of good stuff. Go peek. No, I mean right now. Go.