I have been displaced. I am writing to you on our ancient laptop in the living room. Henry has taken over the desktop and the mere mention of "Mommy's turn" illicits a digging in of the heels usually reserved for avoiding the potty. Since Kyle is at class and I have had a long day of packing for tomorrow's trip, I am letting him do whatever he wants today. I have been trying to get this place cleaned up a bit so we don't come home to a pig sty. Dishes are done, the last load of laundry is in, the living room is picked up and all of Henry and my stuff is sitting in a pile in the bedroom waiting to be stuffed into a bag. Snacks, toys and knitting is all packed up and ready to be put into the car. Phone and camera battery are charging. I'm in good shape. Kyle, on the other hand, spent all day frantically doing last minute preparations for a presentation he has tonight and has not even begun packing.
Henry is slowly but surely showing signs that he might potty train sometime soon. This morning he asked to put on train undies "like Noah's". Peer pressure, work your magic! What came next was not quite as promising. He started peeing in his undies, so I picked him up and brought him to the potty. he ended up peeing into the potty...through his undies. Not exactly what I meant by "we pee in the potty". He wanted more undies, and those lasted about 15 minutes before he peed in them. He ran around naked for another half hour or so without any accidents and then he asked for his diaper back so we finished our potty work for the day. It is justa s well. I'd hate for him to get all wrapped up in undies the day before a 10 hour trip.
I only have 2 more orders left before I can work on fun stuff. I am not taking any more orders until I get back from MI, so that should leave plenty of time for MEEEEE projects. I have been perusing my brand spanking new knitting book (Mason-Dixon Knitting which I adore) and I think I am going to start a pretty little window covering. Like a little drape, kind of, but with all sorts of yo, k2 action going on, so it has a lacy effect. Pretty. And I have some sport weight yarn that I bought by mistake that will be perfect for it. I have a couple of other projects up my sleeve as well, and I packed plenty of yarn so I can goof off knitting non-business stuff. How exciting! I want to start NOW! There is a web address in the book of a site that does knitted blankets based on mathematical theory. I think it is Woolly Thoughts. There are some CRAZY blankets on there. Oh, the things I could do if I didn't ahve to make an actual living knitting. The projects I could make! The surfaces I could beautify! Too bad I couldn't afford to buy yarn.
We should be playing outside right now but I don't waaaaannnnaaaa! I should be cleaning Henry's room while he is otherwise occupied but I don't waaannnaa! I should be cleaning out the fridge so that we don't come home to a class 4 biohazard, but that is even further down the list of things I want to do. You know what I'm doing the night before we leave for a 10 day trip with a toddler? Sittin here drinking a Diet Coke, updating my blog and watching a Hogan Knows Best marathon. I suck.